Regular activities at The Beacon Church and Christian Centre


Some of our activities have now started again as Covid restrictions have been eased.


FOOTPRINTS @ THE BEACON is in London Road, in the lay-by near the junction with Beaconsfield Road (CT17 0SS)

THE CHURCH HALL is in Bartholomew Street, a turning off Beaconsfield Road (CT16 2LH)



10.30 am Morning Worship. 
Holy Communion usually on the first Sunday of the month.
Creative Church, especially for children, in Footprints at 10.25am on the first Sunday of the month. 

Café Church usually on the fourth Sunday of the month, starting with coffee served from 10am. SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Tea and coffee are served in Church Hall after our Sunday morning services.




8 am to 3 pm Kaleidascope Playgroup (term-time only)



8 am to 3 pm Kaleidascope Playgroup (term-time only)



8 am to 3 pm Kaleidascope Playgroup (term-time only)
10am to 12 noon Community Cuppa in Footprints @ The Beacon - a warm welcome awaits you. Not meeting on 28 December.



8 am to 3 pm Kaleidascope Playgroup (term-time only)
9.30am to 11.30am Craft Group in Footprints @ The Beacon 




8 am to 3 pm Kaleidascope Playgroup (term-time only)
12.30 to 4 pm Friendly Friday, an informal drop-in session, in Footprints @ The Beacon, where you can enjoy a soup lunch, games and chat and an epilogue. This is also a warm space. Pop in or out as you wish.